5 years ago I made my first bowl of oatmeal and I had no clue how obsessed I would be with oats and where it would take me.

I started eating oats every morning because they were easy to make, healthy, and I realized how good they tasted so I would literally eat them twice a day.

It got to the point where I would send pictures of my oatmeal to friends and after a while they told me to quit with all of the "oat pics". So on January 1st, 2020 I dedicated an Instagram page to my oatmeal.

Pictures turned into recipes
Recipes turned videos

And almost 4 years later here i am: still making recipes and still... loving oats

After COUNTLESS of oat recipes I've decided to make the Most Oatstanding Recipe Book (aka the oat cookbook in the world)

My goal is to change the way you eat oats and I hope this book does just that.
Shop NowRevolutionize Your Breakfast: Nutrient-Dense Oatmeal, No-Fuss Cooking, Recipes for Everyone!
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